Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Goodreads G!ve@way Time!

It's that time again! Let's have a Goodreads giveaway!

I'm amping up for my first appearance at the end of the month... Balticon, here I come. I gots my wicked cool stilettos, my killer tee shirts, a gameplan for big awesome hair...and maybe presents for my editors, whom I shall meet in the flesh for the very first time. I get to hang out with my publisher! WOOTS.

The Maryland Regional Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention

Memorial Day Weekend     

May 25-28, 2012

But...Balticon is a sci-fi/fantasy con. Do I really want to be sitting behind a table when there will be so much other geekfood around? I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

Going to Balticon? Look for me at the Pink Narcissus Press table, where I'll be promoting Bleeding Hearts: Book One of the Demimonde along with my Pink Narc sib, Lyle Blake Smythers. He's getting ready to release his novel Feasting with Panthers. We'll be kissing hands and shaking...wait, no. That's not it. Breaking hands and kissing babies? Eh, whatevs. We'll be there doing that thing that we do.

Or just watch for a huge pile of reddish-blonde hair walking around very slowly. :) Those shoes are going to be killer.

I'm holding a Goodreads Giveaway that will run to the end of the month. Wanna copy? Get your karma in...

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Bleeding Hearts by Ash Krafton

Bleeding Hearts

by Ash Krafton

Giveaway ends May 31, 2012.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter to win

If you're like me and never win a damned thing, there's a second-chance thingie you can consider...Book bloggers can get out my Request a Review Copy page (tab is up on the top) in order to get a review copy of Bleeding Hearts. All you have to do is ask! I don't bite (<--a lie. I really do bite. Bad Habit. Sorry.)

Thanks for entering...and hope to see you in Baltimore!

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I'd love to hear from you!